House Republicans provide Homeschool Freedom Update

Legislation being brought forward in the Illinois House to add new regulations and mandates on Illinois homeschooling families has drawn the opposition of tens of thousands of residents. The measure, HB2827, requires parents to meet certain educational qualifications, notify school districts when homeschooling begins, and provide evidence of teaching materials if concerns arise. It also extends registration requirements to private schools.

Despite the strong opposition, the bill will be brought forward in the Illinois House Education Policy Committee today: Wednesday, March 19th at 8:00am.

House Minority Leader Tony McCombie along with members of the House Republican Caucus has stood with homeschooling families in the state and has been vocal about opposition to the bill and advocacy for homeschool freedom.

While over 40,000 witness slips have been filed in opposition to the original bill, an amendment has since been added to the measure, and residents can file additional witness slips on the new amendment. A guide about how to file witness slips and some of the games that Democrats play with witness slips, can be found here.

More coverage from the House Republican caucus on today’s hearing and the continued fight to protect homeschool freedom can be found on the House Republican Caucus Facebook page.