Illinois House Republican leaders provided the latest update this week regarding their ongoing lawsuit on redistricting filed with the Illinois Supreme Court. The lawsuit alleges that the Illinois Democratic majority has rigged legislative elections by gerrymandering electoral districts to their benefit, and at the expense of a fair process for all Illinois voters.
House Republican Leader Tony McCombie was joined by Deputy Leader Ryan Spain and Assistant Leader Dan Ugaste at a press conference in Springfield to provide the latest details.
“In response to the Illinois Supreme Court’s order to address the issue of timeliness, the Illinois Attorney General has declined to take a position on behalf of the State Board of Elections,” explained Assistant Leader Ugaste. “This is contrary to what has happened in these situations in the past. Speaker Welch and Senate President Harmon have intervened, and their lawyers are now relying on a legal technicality to deny an untold number of voters their constitutional rights concerning their vote.”
This legal technicality is called ‘laches,’ a seldom-used defense mechanism that asserts the plaintiff has unreasonably delayed its legal claim and therefore is no longer subject to the relief it seeks. As Ugaste explained, the defense, which in this case is the State Board of Elections, is now attempting to prove the plaintiffs, which is Leader McCombie and five registered voters, were not diligent in pursuing this lawsuit. The defense is also attempting to prove prejudice, which in a legal sense, is their ability to defend their case.
House Republicans are optimistic and eager for the legal process to continue moving forward. It’s also worth noting that Welch and Harmon are calling upon prominent election lawyer Mike Kasper to defend the case. In the past, Kasper has been called ‘Vader,’ the ‘prince of darkness’ and Democrats’ ‘chief weapon against redistricting reform.’ He is also a top lawyer for disgraced and convicted ex-speaker Mike Madigan.
“Speaker Welch has come forward and hired Mike Madigan’s favorite henchman, Mike Kasper, to defend his overtly partisan gerrymandered legislative maps,” stated Deputy Leader Spain. “It is time to end Democrat insiders conspiring with one another to disenfranchise the people of Illinois!”
“The Illinois Supreme Court has a crucial opportunity to declare these maps unconstitutional and end political gerrymandering in our state,” stated Leader McCombie. “House Republicans recognize the gravity of this moment and are committed to supporting a fair and transparent process for Illinois. Meanwhile, Speaker Welch continues to recklessly defend extreme partisan tactics that undermine our democracy.”
For all the latest news in the case, please visit