Weaver bill grows Illinois jobs, protects taxpayer investment

The economy and job growth continues to be a top priority for House Republican lawmakers as we fight to keep employers from leaving Illinois. In addition to easing burdensome government regulations and tax hikes, employers are also in need of a qualified and highly trained workforce. Investing in employee development and training is a key element in providing the type of workforce needed to keep high-paying jobs in the state and grow Illinois' economy. However, the investments must be made in the right assets to achieve the highest return for Illinoisans.
As the House sponsor of SB 2907 that creates the Job Training and Workforce Development Transparency Act, State Representative Travis Weaver's aim is to ensure the state's investment in workforce training programs is paying off in meaningful ways. Weaver's legislation requires the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to work with state agencies to evaluate the effectiveness of government funded Workforce Development programs and to report back to the General Assembly with its findings. 

Weaver's objective is two-fold: First, to identify areas of improvement so action can be taken if needed to protect taxpayers' investment in growing Illinois' economy. Second, to provide greater government transparency so Illinoisans know their tax dollars are being well spent.

“Citizens routinely reach out to my office searching for programs that can help them get the training they need to provide for their family and live a prosperous life," said Weaver. "This bill directly helps that and we got it passed!”

The legislation now awaits the Governor's signature.