Elik transparency bill awaits Governor's signature

State Representative Amy Elik's legislation to improve government transparency and make it easier for taxpayers to find information about proposed property tax increases now awaits the Governor's signature. 

Senate Bill 3567, introduced by Senator Erica Harriss and sponsored in the House by Elik, expands provisions in the Truth in Taxation Act. The legislation requires local governments proposing to raise their tax levy by more than five percent to post a notice announcing the increase in a prominent location on their website homepage. Additionally, the notice must be posted for a minimum of 30 consecutive days. 

While local governments like villages, school districts, library district and others were previously required to post the notice of proposed tax increases somewhere on their websites, if they have one, SB 3567 adds the requirement that the tax increase notice, or a link to the notice, be located on the website homepage in a conspicuous location so website users can readily see it.

If enacted, this measure will go into effect on January 1, 2025.