You can watch the video of the address or read the speech.
Below is the reaction from several members of the Illinois House Republican Caucus after listening to the Governor's address.

“I am frustrated along with the Governor in the slow pace of getting a balanced budget, funding for higher education and social services, and reforms that will grow our economy and state revenue. However, there are reasons for optimism and we should focus on the positives rather than all the challenges.” ~ Rep. Bob Pritchard
"Generating economic development and more opportunity in Illinois provides stability for families, provides property tax relief and allows us the means to care for our most vulnerable." ~ Rep. Sheri Jesiel
"Our challenges are serious, but they’re not insurmountable if we’re all working together.” ~ Rep. Randy Frese
“I am optimistic that Republicans and Democrats will respectfully come together to find common ground and build on past successes." ~ Rep. Tony McCombie
"Rather than focusing on the recent past, he spoke about how we can work together to make Illinois an even better home for our citizens, a growing state with an abundance of jobs, great schools and peaceful communities."
~ Rep. Nick Sauer
"The Governor today spoke about both frustration and optimism – sentiments that are both shared by area residents that I speak with every day." ~ Rep. Tim Butler
"...I appreciated the fact that Governor Rauner sees the opportunities that exist to get Illinois back on the right track.” ~ Leader Tom Demmer
"2017 marks a new session and a new General Assembly, I look forward to working with both parties and the Governor to make Illinois a better state to live and work.” ~ Rep. Charlie Meier
“I think the Governor is committed to breaking the budget impasse, and I was heartened by his calls to work together and find common ground to fix the issues facing our state.” ~ Rep. Dave Severin