The study "NO MORE Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Survey of Attitudes and Experiences of Teens and Adults" was commissioned by the Avon Foundation for Women, and shows an urgent need for increased awareness, conversation and education around domestic violence and sexual assault, with an emphasis on what bystanders can do to prevent violence and help victims before it is too late.
Among the key findings:
- 60% of Americans know a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault
- Three out of four (73%) parents with children under the age of 18 said that they have not had a conversation about domestic violence or sexual assault with their children
- 67% of Americans say they have not talked about domestic violence with their friends; even more, 73% have not discussed sexual assault.
- Even though 75% of Americans say that they would step in and help a stranger being abused, the reality is most people do not help.
- For example, among the 70% of women who experienced domestic violence and then told someone about it, more than half (58%) said that no one helped them.
- But 64% of Americans say if we talk more about domestic violence and sexual assault, it would make it easier to help someone.
Here's what you can do:
Learn the signs of domestic violence and listen without judgment to victims/survivors of sexual assault. Contact your local domestic violence center to get the facts and know the resources available.
Say NO MORE. Break the silence. Speak out. Seek help when you see this problem or harassment of any kind in your family, your community, your workplace or school.
Ensure NO MORE. Get involved.Volunteer in your community, or donate to a local, state or national domestic violence or sexual assault organization.
Share NO MORE. Share the NO MORE symbol with everyone you know. Facebook it. Tweet it. Pin it. Instagram it. Email it. Wear it. Help to increase awareness about the extent of domestic violence and sexual assault. Visit the NO MORE Shop to get the NO MORE logo and more.
Need help now?
To learn how to help someone in an abusive relationship or to get help for yourself, contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or your local domestic violence center.
For teens and youth call 1-866-331-9474 or text "loveis" to 77054 or live chat at www.loveisrespect.org.