Take the Pledge to Never Text and Drive
Take out your mobile phone. Read aloud the last text message you sent or received. Would reading or responding to that text message from behind the wheel be worth the risk of getting into a car accident -- or worse? Texting and driving is deadly, take the Pledge today to never text while driving. It Can Wait.
A few facts:
100,000 crashes a year involve drivers who are texting
75% of teens says texting while driving is common among their friends
49% of adult drivers admit to texting behind the wheel
Those who text while driving are 23 times more likely to be in a crash
Your voice can save a life
1. Take the pledge.
2. Tell 4 friends to take the pledge.
3. Tell the world. Use #itcanwait on your social profile pics and social media posts.
Tips to help you keep the pledge
Download mobile apps that automatically reply to your incoming texts while you're on the road to let people know you're driving and you'll get back to them later.
Assign a designated texter when you're on the road with friends and family. They can respond to incoming texts for your or even just respond with #itcanwait.
Out of sight, out of mind. Put your phone on silent mode or in a place you cannot reach. No phone. No texts.
Call, don't text. If you need to tell someone you're running late while driving, use the approved Bluetooth feature in your car to make the call safely, instead of texting.
Speak up. If you see a friend or family member texting and driving, tell them its not ok and ask them to stop.
Other Resources
AT&T It Can Wait simulator
5 more apps to prevent texting while driving